Demenz u. Sterbebegleitung

Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2017

Ciaran Cassidy

 A ,,Neujahrsempfang" (New year Reception) will be held in the crypt of the Sacre Coeur on the 11. January 2017. It is perceived of as an enjoyable get-together of rotarians (mainly); there are some formalities and entertainment, but it is primarily a "meet-and-greet" reception with a buffet, or opportunity for rotarians to meet socially in Vienna.

The proceeds are donated entirely to Caritas Socialis in support of this organisation's work in the area of dementia and their hospice for the dying (Demenz und Sterbebegleitung). This event has been held every year since its inception in 2009/2010, and with the same beneficiary.

This year, it is being officially promoted by three Rotary clubs:

RC Bruck/Leitha - Neusied/See (the club applying for a DG), and the event is being actively supported by RC Franz Schubert, which has been involved as co-host for several years, as well as RC Wien Hofburg, which has joined as co-host for the first time this year. This club is also providing financial support for the project.


Unterstützung Demenz u. Sterbebegleitung


5.130 Euro (€)


Schwerpunkt: Krankheitsvorsorge und -behandlung
Projekttyp: Regional
Projektart: District Grant
Land: Österreich
Ort: Wien, Sacre Coeur
Projektzeitraum: 11.01.2017 - 11.01.2017
Kontaktperson: Ciaran Cassidy


Rotary Clubs: RC Wien Hofburg, RC Wien Franz-Schubert, RC Bruck/Leitha-Neusiedl/See